We have chosen operational excellence
We offer incredibly fast sales solutions
on customized products and solutions.
Standard 48h
Fast shipping within 48 hours from the order on over 560 items.
Configured 48h
Fast shipping within 48h on all custom-made linear models.
Innovative logistics
Zero transport costs, drop shipping, advance shipment, autonomous collection.
Special net prices on products necessary for the competitiveness of retailers.
Enabling the reward system for automatic monetary recovery during the purchase phase.
Vendor Management
Personalized management of the customer's warehouse at Macrolux.
The methods of use
Two viewing and enabling modes can be selected within the platform: buying and selling.
Allows use in the presence of the customer, displays gross prices and disables reserved features.
It allows the widest access to sensitive information and features reserved for the administrator.
Increase your potential with our performance.
Organized workflow and automated processes Industry 4.0
Shipping punctuality
Process errors
Purchase costs
Free premium service reserved for partner resellers.
Orders management
Autonomous management of orders and real-time display of their status.
Fast offers
Easy product search and configuration, incredibly fast offer preparation.
The enthusiasm of our customers
We have created the most innovative and performing b2b system of the professional lighting market. Word of our customers.
"We use the Anthology store on a daily basis and we found it extremely useful in ordering goods and checking stock status. It significantly accelerated and facilitated our logistical ordering procedures. Overall, Anthology is a great tool."
"We have been using Anthology almost from the beginning and it turned out to be a very convenient tool. We can easily and quickly place an order. Nowadays, speed and efficiency are very important and allows the business to growing successfully."
"Beautiful luminaires, modern and tailor-made profiles and lots of other creative lighting solutions are bringing Macrolux again in our mind.. offering enormous possibilities in designing and creating lighting ideas! Thanks Macrolux for all creativity!!"
Available versions.
The platform is designed for mere design use
or for a comprehensive use
of the purchase functions.
Architects- To design independently.
- Open to all professionals
- of the light sector.
Retailers- B2B management
- Reserved for specialized
- lighting retailers.
Simplify your work, in the sale and purchase.
The Macrolux platform is free and will remain so forever.